Paolo Favaretto
Paolo Favaretto
Born in Padova in 1950, Paolo Favaretto graduated from the Architecture Department of Venice University. After his graduation, Favaretto established his own design office, now Favaretto & Partners, in 1973. Favaretto has gained major international experience and won many awards in industrial design and counseling, working with the world’s leading companies.
The former head of committee for A.D.I. (Associazione per il Disegno Industriale/Association for Industrial Design) Northeast delegation and Trentino Altı Adige, Favaretto is the founder and chairman of I.I.D.D. (Istituto Italiano Design Disabilità/Italian Institute for Design and Disabilities) now known as DFA (Design for All). Favaretto currently represents ADI at BEDA (Bureau of European Design Associations) and he is a member of the board of the European scientific committee of the IDIA (Inclusive Design and Intelligent Technology for Accessible Workplaces) project.